So to the tune of "Breakin' the Law", I'm singing to myself breakin' the wall, breakin' the wall. My last two hot yoga classes were very hard for me and extremely emotional. I don't mind being emotional especially when it is something that I am passionate about, but it was very hard for me to understand that it was okay to have a "harder class" or to sit a pose or two out, sometimes more. I was beyond dizzy my last class, I spent a lot of time with my hands on my knees and my head right between those knees. I got very familiar with my toes (I so need a pedicure). Even though my body was able, my head was spinning everytime I stood up. I felt like I wasted a class. The instructor assured me afterward that I hadn't wasted a class and that just being in the sauna and doing what I could was great. She also said it has a lot to do with your water intake which even though I try, it's hard for me to remember to keep drinking all day. I'm getting better though.
Anyways, tonight was amazing, I did all the poses with very minor breaks. I stayed focused on myself and I have completely stopped comparing myself to others in the class, if I do drift off and take a peek at the others it's really quick and I'm more impressed with them then angry or jealous, lol. Everyone has to start somewhere and no one in the class is perfect, flexible beyond all means, yes, but not perfect. I've gained so much self respect in the last couple of weeks and I just feel overall healthier and happier. My family is going through a lot right now, but I feel like I can be there for them a little better now and with a healthier perspective. Oh and I'm down 5lbs and that's not too shabby, WOO HOO!!!
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